
Internet Graffiti

So i just saw a toilet stall graffiti line that read, "toilet graffiti is for dumbasses that can't use the fucking INTERNET!" (actually written in caps, its called 'toilet emphasis')

...which got me thinking, who's to say that the INTERNET is for dumbasses who can't use toilet graffiti?


Wattsticle Course

So according to the 'compare people' feature I'm #4 toughest and #9 most dateable which concludes my study that girls prefer the top 5 toughest guys over others. Sorry 5 through ten and fuck you 1 through 3. I'll find out who you are........

Oh yeah, and I'm 232nd most coolest...what a sometimes inaccurate application

The Departy

What? Are you on your period?

Wouldn't it be sweet if facebook let you put "yes please" under your sex. seriously facebook, get a sense of humor. douche.