Coming at you straight from Point Reyes, CALIFORNIA! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Straight gangster now in the ol' C to the A (thats California, bitches). Day two of our adventure here, its 4:05 and a few drinks deep. Spring break...psshh, more like Spring GREAT...clever, I know.
Trying to keep updated while I'm getting faded.
Look on Blackboard, seeing what my grades is.
This shit is ridiculous, this rap: I'm getting sick of it.
Hope all is well, and try not to look conspicuous.
(Yeah, i've turned straight G herre. Deal with it)
Oh yeah, and here is two Nick Swardson Vids to keep the fans(all two)occupied.
Nick Swardson Double-Header
When Coloring was cool...
Oh, wait. It still is! Last night me and some friends switched off drawing a picture and having another person color it in. If you thought coloring was dead, you were dead...dead wrong. Here are a few drawings/colorings we did with some St. Patty's Day booze and green.
Watt to Watch, Week of March 17th
I guess I could just leave off the "watt to watch" view from last week but I'm going to be extra helpful in reminding you of a few good shows that you (well, mostly me) might enjoy. So here we go for this week:
Tuesday, March 18th: Human Giant, 11:00 pm on MTV.
Kick off to NCCA Tournament: Mt. St. Mary's v. Coppin St. 4:30 (check local sports channels)
Wednesday, March 19th: South Park, 10:00 pm on Comedy Central
Britney's New Look: When the boys help Britney Spears get to the North Pole, they discover the shocking secret behind her popularity.
And of course for you duck fans:
Friday, March 21st: Oregon v. Mississippi State, 4:25 pm on...probably Comcast Sportsnet
Oh, and also on Wednesday be sure to look out for a Wattweiler (J-dizzle's brain-child name) off his leash running around campus. I'M DONE SON!...with one term of school...
We're in!
Brackets are out and Oregon got a 9 seed in the South, playing Mississippi State. After losing to Washington St. in the Pac-10 tournament, it was a toss up as to which Pac-10 teams in the middle of the pack (no-pun intended) would get an at-large bid. The three teams on the bubble were Arizona, Arizona St., and Oregon. Save Arizona St., looks like the Pac-10 made out pretty nicely. The only downfall: if we beat Miss St. (which I'm thinking should be very do-able if we play to our potential), we would then run into Memphis WHEN they beat the 16 seed. March is about to get mad.
Its 3 am...
It's 3 am, Saturday Night. Who do you want answering YOUR calls when shit goes down. Well not me I guess, because I got one last night and missed it. Turns out it was from my dad's cell. So when I see the missed call this morning, I instantly start worrying and calling back my dad's cell. No answer from any of my family's phone so at this point, I'm like "fuck, either one of my brother's fucked up and is in jail or shit went down." Tuuuuurns out it was just my littlest brother calling from my dad's cell because he lost his. Shit Joey, you got me good. I'm working on my undercover FBI voice to get him back, he'll never see it coming..
NOT-to do list
I've noticed people like to make 'to-do' list, but for an everyday basis wouldn't it be just as safe to have a NOT-to do list. You know, things that you could run across that would just fuck your day up, in turn just ruining your priorities on your TO-do list.
Here are a quick few I've wrote for tomorrow:
What NOT to do on Thursday:
1. Wear shorts and flip-flops while its raining.
2. Fall Asleep at work.
2. Trip in front of a bus...full of hot cheerleaders who will surely judge you for your clumsiness.
3. Run across a rattlesnake on your way to class/work.
4. Fart during class.
5. Fart during class while giving a presentation.
6. Take for granted Number 3 and 4 of your NOT-to do list.
7. Make a TO-do list.
Dope Music Site
If you haven't heard of it already, be sure to check out this 'radio' site called Pandora. I just heard about it yesterday (thanks Kristen) and have been digging it all morning. The deal with it is that you can create different 'stations' based on one of your favorite artists. Pandora then finds songs from that artist and other music similar in genre or roots to the original artist you chose.
Example: I typed in Muse as a 'station' and it has been playing songs from Muse as well as Incubus, The Killers, The Strokes, The Arctic Monkeys, etc. Pretty cool idea in general, and also opens you up to other bands you might not have had the chance to hear before. If you like music, you'll like this. Killer window to have open during studying for me today.
Be Kind, Remind
Although that movie looks horrible, I figured I'd get the most out of it by using it it the title. Has anyone even seen 'Be Kind, Rewind?' I have no urge to see it but hey, I've been fooled before (damn Dog Treats, they said they were Scooby Fruit Snacks...).
Well back on track to the post, this is a little reminder/pitch for the new season of Human Giant which starts TONIGHT. I've had some lovers and haters when it comes to this show, but I think about 80% of their skits are pretty money.
My only concern with the show, is that its still on MTV, who I believe can make any decent show look bad by its surroundings (Dating shows with B-rate celebrities are the cancer to modern-day television). However, they seem to have a bit of freedom in their material currently so I'll give them a half-hour spot a week.
Will Arnett and the Olson Twins cameo.
TONIGHT: MTV @ 11:00
Out of Place Musical
Friday night: outside of my friend, Brittany's apartment when we somehow tangent into singing Grease songs/Musical songs in strange situations. As a group of us (Kate, Stu, Heather I believe) were singing/joking among ourselves with a choir of "Wella, wella, wella...tell me more, tell me more" (You know exactly how that tune goes, don't act like you don't), a drunk/stoned neighbor in the second story apartment across the street just starts randomly adding in lines of his own. This goes on in hilarity (maybe I was just a tad red-eyed, but still) for a good 5-10 minutes. Since then I've had the urge to make a video of it sometime soon.
In the mean time though, I ran across this group 'Improv Everywhere' who made a LIVE musical with a group in a crowded mall unbeknownst to the mall patrons. How funny would it be to see one on campus? Think about it....auditions in spring.
Apple of my Eye
A stop-motion animation I did for my class. Very deep dialogue and life-changing story. Try not to cry at the end, I dare you.
Charlie Hit On Me!
Thursday Night: So I was at the bar (IndiBLOW to be exact) and passed by a group of semi-attractive (looked like sorority girls perhaps) girls. As I strutted pass them, I overheard them saying "Awww Charlie! Charlie bit me!". As a trained reaction, I rudely interrupt their conversation with "That really hurt Charlie! ...and it still does!". They laughed, I laughed, we hung out, shared past stories, and of course had an orgy with this group of fine young viral vid savvy ladies. Just goes to show, knowing what's hot and what's not on the internet loop will get you places.
Watt to Watch: Week of March 10
Although I should be working my ass off next week, I'll probably be enjoying a few returning programs instead that showcase some of comedy's clever minds. One of course being South Park, but also I started watching Human Giant last year and enjoyed their sketch comedy. Season II preview:
Watt to Watch:
Tuesday, March 11: Human Giant 11 pm
Wednesday, March 12: South Park 10 pm
March 12 - 15: Pac-10 Tournament (Mens BB)
Also, Ending to the clip:
Packing It Up
Word broke today that the Packers QB, aka The Man, aka Brett Favre is retiring from his 17 year career. Just when the Packers looked like they were in position to go to another Super Bowl too! This is a sad day for me and my Sunday's next year. I was hoping to see Favre go out with at LEAST a Super Bowl appearance one more time before he left, for one to validate my 6th grade Favre jersey. Many other reasons aside, he will be missed.
Bright Side = Non-retard-ex-athlete ESPN/Sports commentator.
Rocking my time away
So we got an Xbox360 for a few weeks from my roommates brother and he just happened to have that game RockBand. As much as I only moderately enjoyed GuitarHero, the drums on RockBand kick ass. Rockband makes my difficulty hard (not in that way you perv).
Once its gone, so to will a few hours a day of procrastination.