Kings Tango from Kevin Watkins on Vimeo.
*Quality didn't turn out well. I'll replace it later. For now though, going to the hot springs. Peace
Nuts and Bolts
Alright, an immature double header of classics (it only takes a year to become a classic if its online btw). A set of heart warming songs that are sure to have an impact on your life...oh yeah, and they're about baby making tools. And yes, thats Tom Hanks in the second one.
This next one is a parody of Ying Yang Twins: The Ridiculous Original Video Link
Time to get a job!
Jump on the technology wagon folks. What better way to impress a potential employer than an online resume?
Online Resume from Kevin Watkins on Vimeo.
E-mail Dissin
If you ever want a pick-me-up via e-mail, don't try to do it yourself. Facebook will take care of it real quick. Got this e-mail today from them, just ya know, keeping me up to date with the times:
I think its safe to say my glory days (which could be normal days to some, but damnit, let me think what I may) are coming to an end.
Nicest smelling dropped a place?! I'm gonna go beat up the #11 nicest smelling duder to solidify my #9 toughest standing. I just hope he's not friends with #1-8 toughest.
Wednesday Night Live
A new SNL Digital Short with Steve Carrell. Although I never catch SNL cause I'm either a)out or b)going out, I do find the time to catch a few online. Why'd they have to go and put the show on Saturdays. They really need to cater to the college demographic. Maybe 'Wednesday Night Live'? I'm already a fan.
Team Timelapse
A little over an hour of Team Theme 2 condensed into 2 and a half minutes. Last post about Team Theme, I swear. Man, this is like my fourth post today. This is what I do at work...and I still have two and a half more hours.
3:30 pm: Video is being processed by Youtube right now cause it was taking too long to upload. So be patient and calm the f down. You're getting out of line. Dude, come on, don't break the lam...great, you broke the lamp!
4:42 pm: on facebook now.
5:00 pm: finally, geezus louizus
I think he likes you...
This is how I get ladies at the bar. Andy Samberg and Shia Lebeuof are pretty money together in any SNL clip. And a movie referral on top, see Hot Rod if you thought this clip was mildly entertaining.
Coke Party Revisited
Okay, so the first version of the Coke video turned out to be really shitty quality and glitched like a b*tch so I went back and made it so it wasn't as hard to watch.
And the winner is...
With the majority of both the party vote and the online vote...the winner of Team Theme 2.008 is Team Vampire (now you can upgrade to the name 'Team Vampions', get it?? Wow, I'm lame).
Thanks to everyone who came and everyone who voted. I'm not going to name a second place at the moment because I don't have the party vote handy but it was a pretty close race all around.
Team Theme 2.008 VOTING
Team Vampire
Team California
Team Lebowski
Team Ganja
Team Miami Vice
NOT PICTURED: Team Ninja, Team Cocktail Party, Team Cheerleaders
New Starbucks Logo
Okay, so could really give a donkey's penis as to what the new Starbucks logo is. Entertainment for me doesn't come in the form of a frappuccino (unless of course its Oranga Mocha). But what I did find entertaining was some of the responses people had to the new, more revealing fish:
"A Christian group in San Diego called The Resistance is offended by the new logo and wants consumers to boycott or complain to the Seattle-based coffee chain."
I mean, come on. Really? Trying to have a mass group of people (such as a religion) boycott a coffee place might work for a bit...until they want a f*cking coffee and are surrounded. Seriously, they aren't even nice looking tits. Come on Resistance, get your Christian priorities straight.
Which currently looks something like this:
1. Boycotting revealing mermaids on coffee cups.
2. God.
3. WWJD bracelet production
Awkward Bathroom Trip
Tell me you haven't done this before and I'll be...f*cking surprised: You go to the bathroom, or any public place with a door, and go to leave/enter. HERE is where it gets awkward. You're opening the door at the same time somebody else is on the other side. Now I know usually it wouldn't be too bad but every one in a blue moon, the timing is just perfect enough to where you get the sh*t scared out of you.
So me today, jumped like a little girl as the unexpected 'othersider' opened the opposite end. After I jumped and MAYBE let out a quiet squeakish yelp, I realized I knew the guy from one of my classes. Kinda pointless story, but I know somebody knows the situation I'm talking about. Its like, come on.
I'm getting interactive on your asses.
The NBA finals are probably some of the best in recent years. Now that pretty much all series are tied at 2-2 (with the exception of Pistons/Magic Series), or ARE tied until later this afternoon at least, I want your opinion on the matter. Who's gonna win it all? Poll ends at the end of the week and then I'll think of another poll to blow your mind.
'Vote or die' -P-Diddly (A hero to all)
Anti-Drug Dog
I'm glad someone remade these anti-drug pet commercials. I mean, come on, the best times I have with my dog are WHEN i am high.
Rabble, Rabble, Babel, Rabble!
So if you want to waste 2.5 hours of your time like I did last night, check out the semi-ish new movie Babel (DVD stylee, I wouldn't pay at the theaters in Monopoly money). It got a lot of good reviews for critics, but as a movie-watcher I was not impressed. While the acting was top-notch and the filming was great, the plot led no-where and dragged on for days. If I had to describe it in one made-up word, it'd be McBabelin. Which of course translates to 'unnecessary'. That being said because most scenes were about 3 to 14 times longer than they needed to be. And for that much multiplication, it didn't lead to much. Just my opinion, disagree if you'd like but I doubt it.
Team Theme 2.008
Yes, that time has come once again. Time to get some teams, create some themes, and (insert rhyming word here). Ya'llknowwhati'mysayin!?! The concept is simple. Come dressed as a theme, with a team. I sometimes have trouble explaining this concept at time believe it or not. There will be a winner at the end. Winners receive sh*t-talking rights. Losers receive a dinner with me. So get on it Eugenians/anyone close enough to join.
And not only is it a theme party but a birthday party for Shannon. What better present than a theme party, right? Your welcome.
Undead have too much time
Members of the Undead Citizen's Alliance, a zombie rights activism group, protested the Lord Leebrick Theatre's latest production last night.
The Theatre is presenting an all-zombie version of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" called "Or Not to Be," and the Alliance is outraged that living actors have been cast in zombie roles.
Seriously?? I know Eugene has some strange people, but zombies might take the 'Get a Life' trophy with this little debacle. Are they really pissed that people are playing zombies in a play? Too bad they weren't around to protest the 207 zombie movies made in the past. Oh wait, if they would have done that then there wouldn't be a MADE UP creature like a zombie. Enough ranting though, I've got to get me some zombie pussy. So unfresh and so clean, clean.
*Story by The Daily Emerald.
Coke Party!
As promised, my lack of blogging has been atoned for by this new original video. This has to at least make up for 3 days, right? Right??? ...just nod, smile, and keep walking. Oh yeah, and check the video out.
Also, I made comments available for non-blogspot 'peeps' (I think that mean personnel) so as it says, 'let me know' in let me know if anyone reads.
Tiny Hands
David Cross, Nick Swardson, and Jon Glaser star in this strange short 'Tiny Hands'. Strange, but I like all the comedians that star in it. Just for that, its worth watching. Its been a bit also since I posted something so I'm gonna try to get this new video we've been working on for about a year now. Or NOT working on it would be a better suited phrase.