
Rabble, Rabble, Babel, Rabble!

So if you want to waste 2.5 hours of your time like I did last night, check out the semi-ish new movie Babel (DVD stylee, I wouldn't pay at the theaters in Monopoly money). It got a lot of good reviews for critics, but as a movie-watcher I was not impressed. While the acting was top-notch and the filming was great, the plot led no-where and dragged on for days. If I had to describe it in one made-up word, it'd be McBabelin. Which of course translates to 'unnecessary'. That being said because most scenes were about 3 to 14 times longer than they needed to be. And for that much multiplication, it didn't lead to much. Just my opinion, disagree if you'd like but I doubt it.

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