The equivalent to the memorable, hilarious Dick in a Box from two years ago. AND they actually put the talented writer, Jorma Taccome, as one of the main characters which I believe is a great since he writes all these popular digital shorts but usually gets no credit. AAAND also the director, and the third member of the comedy trio, Kiv Shafer, gets a spot. More of their earlier stuff at The Lonely Island.
Dick in a Box 2008
Ras Trent: Stereotypical College Hippy
Coming from U of O in Eugene, I enjoyed this Digital Short. As will you
Here's a video and humorous video response that I can't remember me posting yet. The original is from 2 years ago where a guy takes a photo of himself everyday for 6 years. I thought it was a cool idea, check it out if you have 6 minutes.
Seeing as though the average attention span for internet videos are about 2 minutes, I'd suggest watching a bit of the first one and skip to the second. You'll get the idea.
Original V I Double D:
Funny one:
Helping Hand
Well shit facebook. I know you like to compare and rate people but when was the last time it was a weakness to help people. You don't see people getting pissed off at batman. Oh wait.....
Damnit. I'm gonna go strike up an unnecessary conversation.
I wish I could say I've been doing something productive in my absence, however, I was just pre-occupied with the woes of real life. Woes being watching the Olympics, waiting for football season, and betting against Batman in Batman: Dark Knight. I don't want to ruin the ending but lets just say I have one less soul.
Here's some stand-up from back back in the day that I recently ran across:
Back-back (n.): Anything that dates before 2008.
Text Me Once, Shame On You
So according to a recent article (credit: Oregon Daily Emerald), the University of Oregon is trying to implement a text warning system at the school. To me, it sounds like both a clever and interesting idea. They write:
"University spokesperson Phil Weiler said the University is negotiating contracts for installing both a text message warning system and an outdoor alert system."
So I guess you're fucked if you don't have text messages AND are listening to your i-pod. Oh yeah, or deaf.
How I think one would react:

Moral of the story: However annoying texts may be, they will save your life from a zombie attack in 2009. Or something along those lines..
Unnecessary Cencorship
A funny clip from Jimmy Kimmel. Yes, I was surprised too.
An older, probably more original one from earlier this year is posted here.
Stepbrothers: ESPY Awards
When asked to host ESPN's annual award ceremony, Will Ferrell and John C. Reily lists the demands to be met in order for that to happen. Well, they didn't do it but Justin Timberlake didn't do a bad job. While I might not listen to his music, he's pulled off some funny shit.
Lets Talk Sports
Favre: Retired, fired, traded, or playing? Green Bay, Tampa Bay, Vikings, Bears? Jesus man, Favre coming back is the biggest deal is sports since steroids. Media hype probably has much to do with it, but you can't help yourself from getting caught up in the controversy between the Packers and Favre. I for one, haven't even formed a solid opinion on the matter. One side of me says, "Hey, its f*cking Brett Favre! Of course Green Bay should take him back", while the other wants to see the future of the Packers and Aaron Rodgers finally pan out. I'm still up in the air on the matter, but after stumbling across this Fox interview with Favre, I can't help but lean towards Favre's side. He's like a 38 year old puppy who destroys at football. If you have an extra 20 minutes, check out this interview with Brett Favre and form your own opinion. AND vote on the poll above, should be an interesting topic of discussion this summer.
Part 1
Part 2:
Rant Farm: 7.16.2008
Have you ever been in a stall, looking at the stall writing saying, 'Come for a BJ at 11:00 am on July 16th, 2008. Signed 'Bill'', and then realized that you were sitting in the stall at 11:00 am on July 16th, 2008? .............yeah, me neither.
Outrageous Fun!
As far as I'm concerned, these guys are comedic geniuses. Check out more of there stuff here: LINK!!!
Cyanide and Happiness
I think they're funny, so blow me if you don't. It's really a win/win situation for me.
Cyanide & Happiness @
Ludacris - ?????
Nick Cannon doing a Ludacris impression. Didn't know Nick Cannon would be that funny but I guess I never really gave him a chance (after Wild n' Out understandably). Credit to Jesse for showing me this, he should be posting this in his blog, riiiight?
*Correction: Joey should have posted this in his non-existent blog
The Most Dramatically Normal Day Ever
Brought to you by the same guys who did Gay Zombie. I also changed the side bar so its a pull down list from the previous/current months to better be able to find old videos/articles/rants I posted before. You can thank me later...Wednesday works best for me.
3 in one day you say?? I've realized I have been watching quite a few hilarious vids w/o posting....mostly because I assume if you're reading my blog, I probably trick you into watching the vids anyways.
Gay Zombies
I have no idea how we went from talking about Free Willy to zombies, but it happened.
Also reminds me of a post from earlier this year.
You're So Smart
I'm wondering if people actually think they are the shit when they answer questions on advertisements that any person who can use the process of elimination and/or Google could figure out quite easily.
Also, this is the century mark! 100 posts that have gone plan is working, ssssss (hissing noise of course).
Cynanide and Happiness
Cyanide & Happiness @
Next post is the century mark. Hoping to get up an original vid for it. Billy, I hope you don't have plans tonight..
Nut Shot's Are Always Funny can guess what the video is about.
Pool Nut Shot Prank Victim - Watch more free videos
So if...
girl's argue that we should put the toilet seat DOWN because they'll fall in during the night, shouldn't people always leave the toilet seat UP at guys' houses so they don't pee all over the seat?
There's something to chew on. Agree/Disagree?
Comment Below
The bad thing about the door to my work being in a hallway is the randoms who walk by and are intent as staring in towards the front desk. Just because I'm looking at the computer doesn't mean I can't see with my periphs and be creeped out. Seriously awkward looks.
South Park Internet Characters
I know it's a little late, but I've been meaning to do this for awhile. Here's a list of links to all of the 'internet stars' that are appear on this season's South Park.
What What (In the Butt) (original Butters video).
Chocolate Rain
Numa Numa
Dramatic Gopher
Sneezing Panda
Afro Ninja
Leave Britney Alone Chick/Dude
Tron Guy
Laughing Baby
Star Wars Kid
Sleeper 2008
I'm really interested to see how the Carolina Panthers come out this year. With a new O-line and tandem of DeAngelo Williams and J-Stu in the backfield, Delhomme healthy, and a hopefully more mature Dwayne Jarret helping out Steve Smith in receiving, I'm seeing a lot of potential in the offense.
The defense, 16th in the league last year, should not fall any farther from that average spot. If anything, with ex-Bear Chris Harris, Julius Peppers, and some new defensive rookies in the line-up, things should start to line up for the D also.
This may come back to bite me in the ass, but I'm calling this team to go to the playoffs this next year. Just like I am the Trailblazers (a little easier to say with the guys we have joining the line-up in Portland) will make a run in the playoffs, but that's another subject.
I'm calling Panthers to go 10-6 and have a good shot at going past the first round (unless of course they go against the 13-3 Patriots).
Land of the Lost Hot Rod Step Brother
Remember that old school show where the group of people accidently time travel to another world with fake looking (yet awesome) dinosaurs and alien creatures that always try to attack them? No? Well then you missed out.
Anyways, I just got wind they're remaking it with Will Ferrell as the main dude and Jorma Taccone as the little monkey guide Chaka. Will Ferrell is from...well everything and Jorma is the dude who is in Hot Rod and writes the Digital Shorts.
Point and case: Land of the Lost remake should be hilarious come July 2009.
Did you party last night?
Is what I was asked at worked this morning by a Chinese professor who sounds somewhat like Kim Jon Il from Team America.
KJI: Did you pawty last night?
Me: What?
KJI: Did you pawty last night?
Me: Did I what last night?
KJI: Paaawrty
Me: Ohhhhhh, PARTY....Ummmm, no?
KJI: You smell like party. Did you have beer
Me: Hey, I just woke up. Didn't have time to shower. So maybe thats it?.....
Me (under my breathee):....don't judge me ...cock
Gay Prank
So this does not count as prank of the week buuuut pretty damn funny.
Favorite line: "What is this? Like strong guys or something like that?"
Best. Dog. Ever.
Dog fetches dude a beer. Simply amazing in my eyes. I need to buckle down on my dog. I didn't know she was so far behind in dog skills.
Talented Young Dog - Watch more free videos
Damn Son,
I graduated from college. Does that mean every time I drink out of a red cup I now look 'poor' instead of 'drunk and normal'. Or maybe I'll just look poor, drunk, AND normal...depending on the setting of course.
Prank Of The Week
Is it sad that I thought about the title of the post for more than 30 seconds? Other possible titles for a weekly prank blog post:
Please and Prank You
Prank My Monkey?
Quite Prankly
and of course, Full Prank of Gas
...I think i'll stick with prank of the week.
Video: Dude kinda looks like Michael Cera. Other than that, not much thoughts on it. I LOLed.
Messing With Drivers Ed Instructors - Watch more free videos
Oh boy, just did my first myspace survey! My parents would be so proud. Just spitting truth and knowledge right and left. I might or might not be fighting Tom next week. I'll keep you posted.
Oh yeah, SURVEY lil' ones. Check it out on the right. I'm polling to see the opinion on the age old question of 'Who would win in a fight between a robot, cougar, bear, and Chuck Norris?' Finally, this legendary question might be answered. Thanks to YOU. No, not you...the guy sitting behind you. Yeah, him. Thanks to YOU.
Survey. You might have to sell your soul to Myspace to see it, which I wish upon no one (except that guy who cut in line today at the coffee shop. dick.). If so, let me know. (see below)
How To Look Like an Asshole:
Find the most inconsistent and fluctuating water fountain in a public place and try to fill up your water bottle. As the water fountain fluctuates and the stream keeps missing your water bottle as you fumble to predict what level of pressure the water will shoot out at, you better hope nobody walks by that you're trying to impress.
Humorous T-Shirts
Pretty funny/clever t-shirt ideas. If you like them, you can buy them at And if you don't...God have mercy on your soul.
These guys work for Collegehumor and have a ton of videos. I could show all 150+ but I'll just give you one that made me 'laugh out loud' today and let you check the rest out if you'd like. Website is
Wingman from Amir on Vimeo.
Top 12 Most Visited Websites
Interesting list, brought up my Mike and Mike on ESPN radio.
1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. Myspace
4. Youtube
5. Facebook
6. Windows Live
7. Wikepedia
8. MSN
9. EBay
10. AOL
12. Craiglist
I guess the list makes sense seeing as I for one, am using one of the websites to post this ( r-tards, not eBay). However, I've never been a fan of Yahoo and don't see why people still use Windows. Tom and Zuckerberg are having an orgy with whoever made youtube (pretty sure it was Gary Coleman) while Craigslis just gets shat on by all of them.
Awkward Pick-Up Line
Place: Taylors
Time: Wednesday, 1:10 A.M.
Me: "Hey, can I buy you a drink?"
Average Looking Girl: "No."
Me: "Okay." (Walks away)
Damn, it works in the movies.
Wayne's World Top 10
Wayne's world came back for one night at the MTV Movie Awards last week (or whenever it happened, must have forgotten to mark my calender) and did a up to date top 10 list. Video here. I hear they are making a Wayne's World 3 to make me die a happy man. And I base that last statement on absolutely nothing. Here's the list:
Top 10 Porno Names...based on hit movies in 2008.
And the number one porno name, brought to you by Wayne's World is...
Belda Beast - Out in the Night
Project for school. Pretty fun to make though. Thanks to Billy and Belda Beast for the song.
This is Apparently News
So remember this hom....horribly eccentric singer? Well turns out Clay Aiken is having a kid. Who'd have thought. And more so, who'd have thought this is news worthy. I didn't even know he was still alive, let alone reproducing.
"The sex of the baby that Clay Aiken fathered has been revealed, and it's a boy, reports"
Now only if we could find out the sex of Clay Aiken...
Kings Tango from Kevin Watkins on Vimeo.
*Quality didn't turn out well. I'll replace it later. For now though, going to the hot springs. Peace
Nuts and Bolts
Alright, an immature double header of classics (it only takes a year to become a classic if its online btw). A set of heart warming songs that are sure to have an impact on your life...oh yeah, and they're about baby making tools. And yes, thats Tom Hanks in the second one.
This next one is a parody of Ying Yang Twins: The Ridiculous Original Video Link
Time to get a job!
Jump on the technology wagon folks. What better way to impress a potential employer than an online resume?
Online Resume from Kevin Watkins on Vimeo.
E-mail Dissin
If you ever want a pick-me-up via e-mail, don't try to do it yourself. Facebook will take care of it real quick. Got this e-mail today from them, just ya know, keeping me up to date with the times:
I think its safe to say my glory days (which could be normal days to some, but damnit, let me think what I may) are coming to an end.
Nicest smelling dropped a place?! I'm gonna go beat up the #11 nicest smelling duder to solidify my #9 toughest standing. I just hope he's not friends with #1-8 toughest.
Wednesday Night Live
A new SNL Digital Short with Steve Carrell. Although I never catch SNL cause I'm either a)out or b)going out, I do find the time to catch a few online. Why'd they have to go and put the show on Saturdays. They really need to cater to the college demographic. Maybe 'Wednesday Night Live'? I'm already a fan.
Team Timelapse
A little over an hour of Team Theme 2 condensed into 2 and a half minutes. Last post about Team Theme, I swear. Man, this is like my fourth post today. This is what I do at work...and I still have two and a half more hours.
3:30 pm: Video is being processed by Youtube right now cause it was taking too long to upload. So be patient and calm the f down. You're getting out of line. Dude, come on, don't break the lam...great, you broke the lamp!
4:42 pm: on facebook now.
5:00 pm: finally, geezus louizus
I think he likes you...
This is how I get ladies at the bar. Andy Samberg and Shia Lebeuof are pretty money together in any SNL clip. And a movie referral on top, see Hot Rod if you thought this clip was mildly entertaining.
Coke Party Revisited
Okay, so the first version of the Coke video turned out to be really shitty quality and glitched like a b*tch so I went back and made it so it wasn't as hard to watch.
And the winner is...
With the majority of both the party vote and the online vote...the winner of Team Theme 2.008 is Team Vampire (now you can upgrade to the name 'Team Vampions', get it?? Wow, I'm lame).
Thanks to everyone who came and everyone who voted. I'm not going to name a second place at the moment because I don't have the party vote handy but it was a pretty close race all around.
Team Theme 2.008 VOTING
Team Vampire
Team California
Team Lebowski
Team Ganja
Team Miami Vice
NOT PICTURED: Team Ninja, Team Cocktail Party, Team Cheerleaders
New Starbucks Logo
Okay, so could really give a donkey's penis as to what the new Starbucks logo is. Entertainment for me doesn't come in the form of a frappuccino (unless of course its Oranga Mocha). But what I did find entertaining was some of the responses people had to the new, more revealing fish:
"A Christian group in San Diego called The Resistance is offended by the new logo and wants consumers to boycott or complain to the Seattle-based coffee chain."
I mean, come on. Really? Trying to have a mass group of people (such as a religion) boycott a coffee place might work for a bit...until they want a f*cking coffee and are surrounded. Seriously, they aren't even nice looking tits. Come on Resistance, get your Christian priorities straight.
Which currently looks something like this:
1. Boycotting revealing mermaids on coffee cups.
2. God.
3. WWJD bracelet production
Awkward Bathroom Trip
Tell me you haven't done this before and I'll be...f*cking surprised: You go to the bathroom, or any public place with a door, and go to leave/enter. HERE is where it gets awkward. You're opening the door at the same time somebody else is on the other side. Now I know usually it wouldn't be too bad but every one in a blue moon, the timing is just perfect enough to where you get the sh*t scared out of you.
So me today, jumped like a little girl as the unexpected 'othersider' opened the opposite end. After I jumped and MAYBE let out a quiet squeakish yelp, I realized I knew the guy from one of my classes. Kinda pointless story, but I know somebody knows the situation I'm talking about. Its like, come on.
I'm getting interactive on your asses.
The NBA finals are probably some of the best in recent years. Now that pretty much all series are tied at 2-2 (with the exception of Pistons/Magic Series), or ARE tied until later this afternoon at least, I want your opinion on the matter. Who's gonna win it all? Poll ends at the end of the week and then I'll think of another poll to blow your mind.
'Vote or die' -P-Diddly (A hero to all)
Anti-Drug Dog
I'm glad someone remade these anti-drug pet commercials. I mean, come on, the best times I have with my dog are WHEN i am high.
Rabble, Rabble, Babel, Rabble!
So if you want to waste 2.5 hours of your time like I did last night, check out the semi-ish new movie Babel (DVD stylee, I wouldn't pay at the theaters in Monopoly money). It got a lot of good reviews for critics, but as a movie-watcher I was not impressed. While the acting was top-notch and the filming was great, the plot led no-where and dragged on for days. If I had to describe it in one made-up word, it'd be McBabelin. Which of course translates to 'unnecessary'. That being said because most scenes were about 3 to 14 times longer than they needed to be. And for that much multiplication, it didn't lead to much. Just my opinion, disagree if you'd like but I doubt it.
Team Theme 2.008
Yes, that time has come once again. Time to get some teams, create some themes, and (insert rhyming word here). Ya'llknowwhati'mysayin!?! The concept is simple. Come dressed as a theme, with a team. I sometimes have trouble explaining this concept at time believe it or not. There will be a winner at the end. Winners receive sh*t-talking rights. Losers receive a dinner with me. So get on it Eugenians/anyone close enough to join.
And not only is it a theme party but a birthday party for Shannon. What better present than a theme party, right? Your welcome.
Undead have too much time
Members of the Undead Citizen's Alliance, a zombie rights activism group, protested the Lord Leebrick Theatre's latest production last night.
The Theatre is presenting an all-zombie version of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" called "Or Not to Be," and the Alliance is outraged that living actors have been cast in zombie roles.
Seriously?? I know Eugene has some strange people, but zombies might take the 'Get a Life' trophy with this little debacle. Are they really pissed that people are playing zombies in a play? Too bad they weren't around to protest the 207 zombie movies made in the past. Oh wait, if they would have done that then there wouldn't be a MADE UP creature like a zombie. Enough ranting though, I've got to get me some zombie pussy. So unfresh and so clean, clean.
*Story by The Daily Emerald.
Coke Party!
As promised, my lack of blogging has been atoned for by this new original video. This has to at least make up for 3 days, right? Right??? ...just nod, smile, and keep walking. Oh yeah, and check the video out.
Also, I made comments available for non-blogspot 'peeps' (I think that mean personnel) so as it says, 'let me know' in let me know if anyone reads.
Tiny Hands
David Cross, Nick Swardson, and Jon Glaser star in this strange short 'Tiny Hands'. Strange, but I like all the comedians that star in it. Just for that, its worth watching. Its been a bit also since I posted something so I'm gonna try to get this new video we've been working on for about a year now. Or NOT working on it would be a better suited phrase.
I knew it would come in handy...
I actually had to teach a professor how to create a blog today. Although I don't know if she enjoyed a) the name of the blog and b) the content.....or c) your face. Oh sh*t son! Got you! It's a blog off professor bloggie*. A blog-off indeed.
*Dibs on the name 'Professor Bloggie' after this post
British Enemies
Ran across this video a few days after I was wishing I had a british friend. Made me change my mind about the whole situation. I need a British friend with an upbeat spirit and who sounds excited in every sentence. Big difference.
Yes, you read the title right. 'Oh my God, Facebok has Instant Messaging?!'. And the answer to that question (as of when I woke up this morn....afternoon) is yes. They have now added a chat service on facebook. Am I surprised? No. Now they have a way to keep you signed on your profile for longer amounts of time, in turn most likely collecting information on you so they can target ads specifically to you. And of course for the genius Mark Zuckerberg, who now has a way to talk, look, and masturbate to his friends simultaneously (mostly Tom though).
British Friend
I was reminded by a friend's comment this morning of one of th most legit ideas to come about in awhile:
I, well everybody, should be able to have an British friend. I mean, what better way to make a bad time into a cheerful time, or a good time into the goodifullest most time, than to have some dude with a cheery accent rambling kind words all bloody day.
Bloody??...Damnit, I've started talking like them. And I'm already in a better mood!
Barack and Sock Connection
Imagine this: Monday Night Raw. 9:00 pm. All three PRESIDENTIAL candidates make appearances on WWE. Those were two things that I never thought I'd see even mentioned in the same sentence. A last-ditch effort to sway the dixie-crats perhaps? Or just the future of what the campaign trail will be in the future?
Although I used to watch RAW BITD ('back in the day'), I couldn't get myself to watch what they were going to have them do on television. So, I did the next best thing; got a clip from the internet.
If someone offered me a burrito...
Okay, one more Bay Life video. Watched like all of them last night, and this one made me laugh particularly out loud (LPOL).
Internet Starvation
The new South Park covered the controversial topic of the internet last night. They explored the possibility of a life without internet. No social networking, no online shopping, no quick information, and most importantly; no funny British kids biting one another's fingers.
Okay, enough fake deep conversation about South Park. Brilliant idea and one that could probably hit home to any college aged kids. In my opinion, the best one of the season so far.
If you haven't seen it, here's a link that has EVERY south park episode and new ones posted hours after. Your welcome:
South Park Zone
Props to Scottie for letting me know of the link.
Bay Life
Ran across some pretty funny skits this kid does about life in the Bay. Credit to Clayton for posting another one of these on FB.
Working hard, or hard during work?
So this happened today: I'm at work, minding my own business, editing a video on a computer, and everything is cool. I notice that there are a few new movies on the Desktop that weren't there yesterday evening when I closed. One was named 'Trixie' and another something like 'Trixie2'.
So thinking it was going to be a Trix Cereal ad or something NOT porn, I open it up. And what does it turn out to be? Fucking porn man!
'Ahhhh Shit!', I yelled in surprise.
Closing it down quickly so no other eyes would have to witness it, and for the fact that somebody might have been trying to frame me, I rested off the initial shock. I thought about telling my boss about it, but instead just deleted them to cause less trouble. And also I'm sure it'd be a bit awkward explaining what just had occurred.
It's hard to explain how unexpected it felt when this situation happened, so I have made a tribute to my awkward encounter, a mere two hours after:
No Roommates for Error.
Just ran across this on facebook. The damn ranking thing has pitted me against my roommate! I didn't know facebook worked undercover to instigate roommate rivalries. But i guess there's alot of things I don't know about evil facebook...
Side notes I noticed while posting:
* I'm the #6 best roommate....which raises question about roommate loyalty. I'm not gonna name names, Tristan, but i think the votes were rigged.
*Sorry Kate, but there was only enough room for people make inappropriate guesses as to what your wall post ends in...check my actual wall, i dare you.
This Saturday some of my friends are throwing a beerfest consisting of contests such as beer pong, quarters, da boot'(or some sort), DBP (Disc Bottle Post??), Flip Cup, etc. I have been awaiting this opportunity for years. My team and I will dominate. Although I have yet to hold tryouts...I did see some skills at our 70's party Saturday but have yet to gather the troops.
In preparation and excitement, I created a little motivational poster in anticipation:
Was going through some funny student answers that people have posted and came across this one. Ballsy thing to put on a test, but mostly clever:
Get your Hanes off me!
Does anyone else find the Hanes ads with Michael Jordan and Cuba Gooding Jr. a tad bit gay? I mean, underwear is a necessity but I don't know if I'd be drawn to buying a male friend underwear as a gift. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.
And Cuba is definitely doesn't pitch.